Sunday, December 13, 2009

What if amazing kong participated and won to be on the playboy cover girl. What would do and how?

Set myself on fire!! Who I'd be sorry for the most though would be the photographer...we can just choose to not get that issue/not look. He'd have to get her to do poses, ect. and probably see way more things we'd never want to see in our lives.What if amazing kong participated and won to be on the playboy cover girl. What would do and how?
it would be hard to imagine. kong is a solid woman wrestler, but nowhere near as a playboy model.What if amazing kong participated and won to be on the playboy cover girl. What would do and how?
I'd wonder what I did to deserve such a nightmare.
id masturbate ahah jks, man id like wash my eyes with listerine so they smell a but better after
Hugh Hefner wouldnt let a plus sized woman pose for his magazine ............EVER!!!............But if he did I would rip my eyes out
that will never ever ever ever ever ever ever happen

and thank God it wont
After I got done throwing up,I would go rip out my eyes.

Let's be realistic....

Would Hugh Hefner allow that, especially someone not famous like her? Also, I don't buy Playboy, so I wouldn't care regardless.
AAHH that'll be hot

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